



如果你對遊戲真的很有熱誠,有些遊戲產業有什麼樣的工作,是當電競選手,又或者是背後的團隊,我希望你思考你未來想念的科系如何跟你的興趣做相關連,美國有很多大學的Computer Science (CS), 不過你對這門專業的了解有多少?美國有哪些優秀的遊戲設計大學?畢業後又有哪些出路呢?

What is “Game Design”?






  1. Game history and development
  2. Programming
  3. Introduction to game design
  4. Computer theory
  5. Game technology
  6. Principles of game design
  7. Game production
  8. Level design
  9. 3D modeling
  10. 3D content creation
  11. Narrative design
  12. Game systems
  13. Experience design
  14. Software architecture
  15. Software engineering
  16. Engine development
  17. Game rules
  18. Image rendering
  19. Structure of game design
  20. Physics
  21. Calculus
  22. Trigonometry
  23. Linear algebra


2021年普林斯頓評論(The Princeton Review)公佈最好的遊戲設計專業大學前50名,這些排名評分標準是依據學校是否提供專業師資、學術課程、實驗室設備品質、畢業後收入等,綜合成40組題目,受訪對象為這些頂尖學校的老師和產業專業人士。

1University of Southern California
2Becker College
3New York University
4Rochester Institute of Technology
5DigiPen Institute of Technology
6Worcester Polytechnic Institute
7Michigan State University
8University of Utah
9Bradley University
10Shawnee State University
11LaSalle College Vancouver
12Vancouver Film School
13Drexel University
14University of Central Florida
15Abertay University
16Breda University of Applied Sciences
17Champlain College
18Cogswell University of Silicon Valley
19Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
20The University of Texas at Dallas
21Hampshire College
22Savannah College of Art and Design
23Laguna College of Art and Design
24Howest University of Applied Sciences
25University of Wisconsin-Stout
26Maryland Institute College of Art
27Ferris State University
28Falmouth University
29Abilene Christian University
30Northeastern University
31University of Cincinnati
32New York Film Academy
33North Carolina State University
34Bloomfield College
35Miami University
36Indiana University Bloomington
37Kennesaw State University
38New England Institute of Technology
39University of Texas at Austin
40University of Florida
41DePaul University
42Oklahoma Christian University
43Academy of Art University
44Marist College
45University of Michigan-Dearborn
46Quinnipiac University
47ArtCenter College of Design
48Cornell University
49Full Sail University
50Massachusetts Institute of Technology

先舉例以上幾所大學,當然CS科系相關美國還有很多學校可以念,但至少都要SAT成績1500, 且未來如果你希望你的職業是跟遊戲產業有相關,做起來也比較有成就感,不管是哪一個項目(寫遊戲程式or 試玩遊戲員等等,有太多選項了),美國的Twitch, Blizzard Entertainment, Strategic Simulations, etc…., 順帶一個影片給你看一下這些遊戲產業的工作環境有多棒!



  1. Concept / storyboard artist
  2. Programmer
  3. Systems designer
  4. Digital animator
  5. Texture artists
  6. Creative writer
  7. Storyline editor
  8. Character artist / animator
  9. Level designer
  10. Game tester

有任何問題美國申請代辦問題,掃掃以下QR Code吧!


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